Your windows can either save or cost you a lot of money. They can retain heat or cool air, which will keep you comfortable. But if there are drafts, that air will escape, which will make your air conditioner or heater work much harder, costing you more money. One solution is to get Energy Star windows; they can save you up to $465 a year. What about vinyl windows? Can they improve your energy efficiency? The answer is it depends.

The Frame Matters

When looking at vinyl windows for sale, look at the frame. Foam is a filler for the frame; however, does not provide any benefit for insulation. At Vinyl Sash, our frames offer the best insulating properties with a hollow frame, and they are not only the most durable but also structurally sound due to our multi-chamber system. Our Vinyl windows offer the best insulating properties with a hollow frame.

The Climate Matters

Consider your climate carefully when choosing new windows. Contrary to common misconceptions, vinyl windows can be an excellent choice for regions with cold winters, such as Michigan. Vinyl windows can maintain structural integrity and provide secure insulation in colder climates. They are particularly well-suited for places with extreme temperature fluctuations. So, when you come across vinyl windows for sale, remember that they can be an excellent choice for your home in a cold environment like Michigan.

The Trees Matter

Though it might seem small, the way your trees are planted can affect your insulation and energy efficiency. If they’re planted in front of the windows, you might benefit from shade in the summer, and they could block wind in the winter. Take this into consideration when planting this spring!

Think about all this when you see vinyl windows for sale. You will make an excellent investment when you get a vinyl window. Not only are they durable and capable of lasting 20 years or more, but they are easy to maintain. You won’t have to worry about scraping them or having them painted. You’ll get your money’s worth with them.

Are you looking for vinyl windows for sale? We have plenty of them for fantastic prices. Contact Vinyl Sash of Michigan today for more information!